It looks like there isn't a single person left who has any time for Battlefield 2042. After years of anticipation, DICE and EA's military shooter collapsed in on itself like wet cake as soon as it launched last November.
Caught in a perfect poo-storm of glitches, bad reviews, server issues, and rapidly declining player numbers, the Battlefield 2042 situation just keeps getting worse.
When last we checked in with Battlefield 2042, there was a steadily growing petition from fans who feel they should get a full refund regardless of which platform they purchased the game for.
Now, even one of the lead designers behind some of the earlier (and better) Battlefield games has weighed in on the situation.
David Goldfarb worked as a lead designer and writer on Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which are easily two of the most popular games in the franchise. He knows what he's talking about, then.
While he's yet to play Battlefield 2042 for himself, he recently watched a YouTube video explaining the game's ongoing situation and was left "shocked" at what he saw.
"I have some questions about that product," Goldfarb wrote on Twitter. "Really trying to understand why some of these design calls were made. Why are there no smaller infantry maps? Why was 128 player count a thing that didn't seemingly have any accommodation for infantry? why are whole maps shipping without any detail art?"
Goldfarb added that it was "profoundly depressing" to watch this situation unfold, and added that he felt bad for his colleagues at DICE who were no doubt pushed into launching a game that clearly wasn't ready due to bad management and unrealistic release schedules.
"Was no one in control of quality over there?" Goldfarb asked. "Who thought this experience honored the BF sandbox experience and took it forward? I’m astonished that there were this many missteps even knowing the obstacles from higher up."
Topics: Battlefield 2042, Dice