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Batman: Arkham Origins getting gorgeous remaster

Batman: Arkham Origins getting gorgeous remaster

The Batman game Gotham deserves

The severely underrated Batman: Arkham Origins might just be the only Batman game you need this weekend.

This weekend sees the launch of Warner Bros. Montreal’s latest DC video game, Gotham Knights. Set in a world in which Batman dies attempting to solve a case, his young proteges Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood must step up and keep Gotham City safe in his absence.

Check out our review below!

While we had a ton of fun with Gotham Knights (you can read our review right here), the game has received plenty of mixed reviews. Many have complained about a wealth of technical issues that hold the experience back, with the whole 30fps debacle apparently being the least of the game’s issues.

Of course reviews aren’t there to tell you what or how to think, and we’re sure there are DC fans out there who are going to dive into Gotham Knights to see how they get on with it regardless. The good news is that if it doesn’t quite agree with you, now is the perfect time to revisit WB. Montreal’s last (and arguably much better) Batman game.

Reddit user and modder Supercom6000 recently shared some screenshots of a beautiful graphics mod they’ve been working on for Arkham Origins for the last few years. While the Arkham prequel was already a pretty good-looking game, the modder’s efforts have breathed new life into the adventure.

While the mod isn’t available just yet, Supercom6000 has promised that it’ll be released to the public at some point soon, giving everyone the chance to revisit and reassess a Batman game that maybe got a little too much heat at the time.

I mean, if nothing else, Arkham Origins is worth it solely for the fight with Deathstroke, right? You know I’m right.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Batman, Mods, PC, Warner Bros, DC