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Assassin's Creed Shadows gameplay reveal confirms you can befriend a lovely Shiba

Assassin's Creed Shadows gameplay reveal confirms you can befriend a lovely Shiba

Spot the dog

The first full gameplay for Assassin's Creed Shadows has been revealed, and it looks every bit as stunning as we could possibly have hoped.

Ubisoft treated us to a deep dive on the latest Assassin's Creed during the end of its Summer Games Fest Ubisoft Forward event. We got a glimpse of brutal, crunchy combat in a gorgeous - and properly massive - open world.

In many ways it looks like business as usual for Assassin's Creed, but the gameplay footage did confirm early doors one feature I know you've all been dying to see. You'll be delighted to know you can in fact meet and pet dogs.

Okay, so I guess this isn't really a game-changer in a world where being able to pet dogs is basically a required feature in every game now, but watching Yasuke approach a hefty Shiba Inu and give him a good scrobble put a smile on my face.

Other highlights from the gameplay footage include some of the best stealth and parkour we've seen from Assassin's Creed in years, and a ton of awesome new toys, including a grappling hook.

You can read our full thoughts on Assassin's Creed Shadows' huge open world and cast of characters over here, if you're interested. I can't hear you saying no so I'm going to imagine/assume it's an enthusiastic yes.

Assassin's Creed Shadows is due for release 15 November 2024.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Assassin's Creed Shadows, Assassins Creed, Ubisoft