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Red Dead Redemption 2 secret alternate ending is worth the hassle, gamers agree

Red Dead Redemption 2 secret alternate ending is worth the hassle, gamers agree

Did you see this ending when you played?

It’s likely not widely known that Red Dead Redemption 2 has an alternative secret ending unless you’ve gone looking for it.

It can only be seen after completing 100% of all activities across the game’s vast open-world map and if you’re a dedicated player you may well have seen what happens in the final moments of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Did you get to see the hidden ending for Red Dead Redemption 2?

If you haven’t seen the ending, I don’t want to spoil it for you as it’s a poignant and heartfelt close to a harrowing and emotional story.

However, it’s worth looking at how the ending impacted the players and what they thought about it. Discussion sparked over on Reddit and players talked about how this secret ending made them feel after hundreds of hours of playtime.

One user simply wrote, “Just got goosebumps when it started, so many emotions from it.” While another, u/Aveldaheilt also kept it simple saying, “My heart...that song… Oh, Arthur.”

If you’ve completed the game you’ll know that the story takes a very sad turn, one that tugs at the heartstrings and this left millions of players feeling a range of emotions.

Reflecting on the hidden ending, u/sterben06 said this, “That scene really makes you appreciate the game's story even more.”

It’s hard to watch the ending and not feel a lump in your throat. It surely had plenty of people getting all up in their feels. One user expressed that return to those raw moments saying, “Why are you making me cry before work?”

This was swiftly followed up by another replying to the above, “Why are you making me cry at work?”

We’ll close out the responses to the sadness with this wry and funny reply, “God damn onion ninjas making me teary-eyed. It’s them! I swear!”

Featured Image Credit: Take-Two

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games, Take-Two