It's a sporty week this time around! The free game gods have blessed us with some exciting tidbits to grab, and there are a couple of athletic options in the mix.
Don't worry if you're not into that sort of thing though! I've got plenty more to share with you if you're looking to game on a mini-budget, so read on for the full lowdown.
One other thing I should mention: it's Steam Next Fest time right about now, and it's the absolute perfect time to grab yourself some lesser-known free demos and find your next favourite game. It isn't a load of full games for free, but if you're a fan of unique indie experiences, you could do a lot worse. I'd start with Card Shark, but there's over 600 to choose from - go immerse yourself in the sea of upcoming games.
Now then, how about some freebies all for your own? As always, it's worth mentioning that while some of these games are free in the best sense of the word, many require you to actually have one of the many subscription services available these days. Such is life. But they're still kinda free so, who's the real winner? That's right, it's us.

Cris Tales is 20 hours of free goodness on the Epic Games Store
The Epic Games Store freebie this week is Cris Tales. Hailing from Colombian studios Dreams Uncorporated and Syck, the game styles itself as a 'gorgeous, indie love letter to classic JRPGs with a new perspective'.
The gameplay fiddles around with time, allowing you to experience the past, present, and future simultaneously by using special abilities known by your party members, hopefully giving you the upper hand in turn-based battles. The art style is rather pretty too - see for yourself!
If you're looking for something to play that'll remind you of your Persona 5s and Chrono Triggers in a variety of ways, Cris Tales is the place to look. It'll apparently take between 20 and 30 hours to beat, so if it sounds up your street, you can give it a go for absolutely nothing. It's a win-win situation!

Turbo Overkill some time with this free demo right now on Steam
If you're looking for a Steam demo to really sink your teeth into, Turbo Overkill is available right now to try out.
"You play as half-metal, half-human, half-crazy Johnny Turbo, augmented with hidden arm rockets and a chainsaw that extends from your lower leg allowing you to kick-slice enemies wide open."
If this doesn't whet your appetite (his name is Johnny Turbo for crying out loud) then nothing will.
Try Assassin's Creed Valhalla for Thor's sake
Ever thought 'I want to try Assassin's Creed Valhalla but I want to play it for free so I know I actually want it!'?
Well, worry no longer. You can play it from right now until Sunday on Xbox if you have Games with Gold or Game Pass Ultimate.
I'm still yet to try it to be fair - there are just so many bloomin' games to play right now! But if it's been on your bucket list to jump around as a Viking, burning the English countryside to the ground, then now is as good a time as any.

Madden NFL 22 is officially in the end zone
Any NFL fans in the audience? I've been really into it recently. Picked the 49ers as my team arbitrarily a few years ago and have been really enjoying looking forward to the Sunday evenings watching big men throw a rugby ball forwards.
Well, available on Xbox and PC Game Pass is Madden NFL 22, the latest instalment in EA's American Football series. I had literally purchased the game three weeks previous. Just my luck.
Regardless, it's a solid addition to the series, particularly with regards to the single-player modes. I've been playing 'Face of the Franchise' mode, in which I take control of a rookie quarterback from college through the draft and into the NFL. It's got that uncanny valley charm in the way it's written - no one I know sounds like that - but maybe it's just how Americans are. Either way, it's been fun making ridiculous trades in franchise mode to give myself a ludicrously overpowered team and absolutely wreck the rest of the league. I won't be touching Ultimate Team though. I already do that on FIFA, and one vice is quite enough for me.

Super Mega Baseball 3 - a game so good they made three of them apparently
Fancy a different USA-focused ball game? How about one with a lot less violence and a lot more standing around? Well, Super Mega Baseball 3 is for you. Available on Xbox Game Pass, the game was initially released in 2020, which I'm just realising now was two years ago.
I've never played a Super Mega Baseball game, but given its price (£0) and generally positive reception, I'm more than tempted to give it a go. My baseball knowledge comes entirely from Wii Sports, but that's all there is to it, right? Bash the ball out of the park and win?

For when this planet gets too much, there's always Galactic Civilizations III
It's been available on Epic earlier this year, but if you missed that, Galactic Civilizations III is coming to PC Game Pass. If you missed my last lowdown on the game, it's a 4X strategy game with a focus on space diplomacy with all manner of alien species.
I lied last time around, though. I said Galactic Civilizations III is a game I'll "definitely give a try". I did nothing of the sort, as it sits, unloved, in my Epic Games library. Maybe, just maybe, having it in two separate libraries on my PC will give me the jump start I need to actually learn a new strategy game. Wish me luck.
There you go - that's everything for today! I hope you're having a restful weekend - I'm taking some time off to head to Cambridge for a little break. Apparently, there's an amazing computing museum there, so I'm going to annoy them until they let me play on an Atari VCS 2600.
Gaming in the 1970s and 80s sounds like it was super rough, to be honest. I've played the original Super Mario Bros. and it's absolutely terrible. But it's all they had. I thank you, elder gamers, for suffering so that I don't have to. Now I can spend all my money on Hades so I own it on four different platforms. Just as Miyamoto intended.
Topics: Free Games, Assassins Creed Valhalla