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'Forza Horizon 5' Massive Open World Map Unveiled, And It's 50% Bigger Than Its Predecessor

'Forza Horizon 5' Massive Open World Map Unveiled, And It's 50% Bigger Than Its Predecessor

This is really revving the engines of fans.

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

Forza Horizon 5 is looking simply stunning in screenshots, and with this first sneak peek of the massive map, fans will be sinking in hours and hours speeding through the upcoming sim.

"Right from the beginning we had an objective that we wanted Horizon 5 to be the biggest Horizon yet," explained creative director Mike Brown in an interview. "And then it doesn't take that long from thinking about that objective until you realise that there's not any point being bigger if it's more of the same." As a result, Mexico's deserts, cities and tropical forests will be the backdrop to this adventure, and the developer got in touch with artists, musicians and voice actors to immerse players in what makes Mexico, well, Mexico.

There's also the Expeditions mode, a new addition that takes the player on a tour of the roads while showing off the depth and innovation of Forza Horizon 5. "There's one where, as you're on the Expedition, a tropical storm rolls in and it's really dramatic," said Brown. "There's another one that goes up the volcano and, wouldn't you know it, the volcano's active at the time, because of course it is. They offer us an opportunity to showcase a lot of the really exciting things that the game has to offer in a curated, story-driven experience."

Check out the glory of the announcement trailer for Forza Horizon 5, which is purpose-built for the Xbox Series X and is arriving this November.

With this glimpse at the sheer scale of the map in the upcoming sim, it's certain that players will have no shortage of things to see and do. Here it is on Twitter for your perusal:

You'll notice two things. The first is that it is a humongous map - the maths calculate it to be about one and a half times the size of Great Britain in Forza Horizon 4. This was explained in the latest development diary for Forza Horizon 5, which you can watch here. The second is that there is an enviable range of environments that the player will barrel through. Canyon, Tropical Coast, Farmland, Arid Hills, Jungle, Living Desert, Rocky Coast, Sand Desert, Swamp, Urban City of Guanajuato, and Volcano are the 11 "distinct and unique" zones that will compose the map of Mexico, and Playground Games has assured that this map is "ever-evolving."

Whether that is in regard to future DLCs remains to be seen. Right now, fans are pretty pleased with the size of this representation of Mexico. And, one player has even managed to find the silhouette of a Pokémon hiding in the twisty-turny roads.

Featured Image Credit: Playground Games

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