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Twitch Streamer Physically Assaulted By Strangers Mid-Broadcast

Twitch Streamer Physically Assaulted By Strangers Mid-Broadcast

The streamer is okay and one of the assailants has been detained.

American-Japanese streamer CashMeow, who live streams around Tokyo, was recently attacked on camera.

CashMeow is a Twitch streamer from New York, who is currently streaming about his life in Tokyo, Japan. However, recently while filming around the world's largest city he was attacked by three men. The incident was caught by his cameras and broadcast across the streaming service.

The incident began when CashMeow noticed a group of three English speaking men reportedly bothering two women in a restaurant. Sitting nearby he called the group over as a distraction, asking them if they speak English. They confirmed this, saying they are from Columbia.

As transcribed by SportsKeeda, the group appeared drunk and one of the men drank from CashMeow's water. After CashMeow made a comment about one of the men's watches the altercation turned violent. One man stepped up to the streamer while some other people nearby seemed to try to de-escalate the situation. However, the man then knocked over CashMeow's phone and tripod.

Following the incident CashMeow reported the incident to the police and resumed his livestream saying "They broke my equipment. I wouldn't be pursuing this to any degree if they hadn't broken my s**t." However, shortly after he resumed filming several men can be seen pulling him from his chair and repeatedly punching him. It is alleged these are the same men who broke his equipment.

Warning: The following video contains footage of physical assault.

The streamer has since reported on his stream that he is okay and safe. He also claims that the police have been able to identify and detain one of the men involved using the footage from the stream saved on Twitch and Discord by his community. It is unclear yet as to what may happen to the assailant, but as a non-Japanese citizen, there is a chance he may be deported. 

Featured Image Credit: CashMeow / Twitch

Topics: Twitch