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Twitch Streamer Mizkif Under Fire For Allegedly Covering Up Sexual Groping Incident

Twitch Streamer Mizkif Under Fire For Allegedly Covering Up Sexual Groping Incident

Mizkif has been accused of forcing fellow streamer AdrianahLee of downplaying an alleged groping incident.

Twitch streamer Mizkif, real name Matthew Rinaudo, has been accused of covering up an alleged groping incident.

In June 2021, fellow streamer AdrianahLee took to TwitLonger to share details of an incident that reportedly took place between herself and CrazySlick (as per Kotaku). AdrianahLee wrote that during a birthday party in 2020, CrazySlick “came into the room while I was unconscious” and “touched my neck and chest.” According to AdrianahLee, CrazySlick explained his actions by saying he was “just making sure I was alive.”

After the incident, CrazySlick took to Twitter to apologise for making AdrianahLee “feel uncomfortable.” However, in recent days, the incident has resurfaced and AdrianahLee took to Twitch and Twitter to say that her original TwitLonger post was a “diluted version of the story.” She explained that this was “proofread” by fellow streamers Maya and Mizkif who encouraged her to release a statement quickly as CrazySlick was a housemate of theirs.

Many are now saying that Mizkif and Maya are responsible for downplaying the alleged assault in order to preserve their friend's reputation. As the Twitch community caught wind of this update, old videos and screenshots of Mizkif’s were uncovered. During a stream, Mizkif referred to the incident as “not really a big deal.” Another series of screenshots showed Mizkif allegedly using a number of racial and homophobic slurs.

Further allegations have also come to light regarding CrazySlick with many women anonymously sharing their stories with AdrianahLee on Twitter. One screenshot reportedly showed CrazySlick saying that he’d sent an unsolicited nude to someone whilst simultaneously calling the recipient a “whore.” Another user also claimed that the streamer would repeatedly send them unwanted photos.

Streamer Maya has since responded to the latest developments. She claims she asked AdrianahLee to clarify that she wasn’t raped or sexually assaulted as she “didn’t think of it as rape or a sexual assault at the time.” Maya said she apologised to AdrianahLee. She added that she wasn’t trying to “pressure” or “force” her into saying something. Maya was under the impression that AdrianahLee also agreed that it wasn’t rape or sexual assault.

In a now-deleted tweet (courtesy of Dot Esports), CrazySlick said he had “never sexually assaulted anyone and never will.” The streamer has since deactivated his Twitter. For his role in the alleged cover-up, Mizkif has been suspended from One True King (his content creation and lifestyle brand), with the brand reporting that they’d contacted a “third-party legal organisation” to investigate the allegations.

Mizkif has also made his own statement. He wrote, “A little while after Slick's misconduct came to light last year, I made some inexcusable statements on an alt-stream after some chat messages got to me. To Adrianah and all those affected by sexual harassment, I am sorry for those statements. Sexual harassment, regardless of degree, can never be considered ‘small,’ and while my intention was to clarify a misleading chat message, I chose my words poorly and my response came off as downplaying what should never be downplayed.” He ended by promising fans that he needed “to do a better job.”

Featured Image Credit: Twitch, Mizkif via Twitch

Topics: Twitch