Okay, so the headline brought you here and you’re saying to yourself “He wasn’t murdered, he died peacefully in the swamp!”
Yeah, well, what about this reasoning from Star Wars Reddit then, eh?
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“Yeah, there wasn't much stress until some brat showed up, lugging him around the swamp and disobeying him at every turn. Couple that with having to lift an X-wing out of a lake and being 900 fricken years old and you've got one dead Jedi Master.”
This came from Redditor, RedDemocracy, and of course, it’s tongue in cheek, but just imagine you’re Yoda chilling on Dagobah minding your own business, probably mourning the loss of thousands of friends.
Then some little upstart turns up in a trashed X-Wing begging for help. You’re just trying to get in some extra sleep, forget about that battle in the senate where you flipped around so much you got dizzy.
Suddenly, you’re being hauled around a spookyass forest by this precocious brat who reminds you so much of his father and all you want to do is lie back and think of Yaddle.
We don’t know the lifespan of Yoda’s race, for all we know he had a few hundred more years in him, but no, Luke showed up, and rather than put up with his incessant whining, Yoda just peaced out.
So, we can blame Luke Skywalker for his death. This is why Yoda comes back as a force ghost to goad Luke in the sequel trilogy, mocking him and his love of a bunch of useless books.
Luke might not have struck Yoda down with a saber, but he might as well have.
Poor Yoda, doing his own thing, living out his days in a creepy swamp and Luke ruined it all.
Obviously, this is all jokes, he died from old age or something, but it was fun for a few minutes.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film