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MCU fans torn as Deadpool And Wolverine trilogy plans teased
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MCU fans torn as Deadpool And Wolverine trilogy plans teased

They took that one joke in the film really literally, huh?

It’s a bit of an open secret at this point, but it seems that one of Deadpool & Wolverine’s silliest jokes is about to become reality: Hugh Jackman really will be playing Wolverine in the MCU until he’s 90.

In case you might have missed it, dozens of outlets have reported on the rumour that, yes, Hugh Jackman is returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for at least three more films.

Unsurprising really, given the box office success of Deadpool & Wolverine, but I think most of us expected a cameo or two down the line - or perhaps just one more standalone film.

Instead, it sounds like we’ll be getting a Deadpool & Wolverine trilogy of sorts (and then some).

Over on the r/deadpool subreddit, MCU fans had… mixed opinions about the idea.

“Do I want to see more Hugh as Wolverine? Yes in a multiversal context (do not want him to be main Mcu Wolverine). But two more “Deadpool and Wolverine” movies? As much as I LOVE D&W I feel like that would be redundant, just have the characters do other things,” replied user Several-Building1270.

“It’s like Sony wanting Tobey and Andrew in spiderman 4, yes it was dope to see them in no way home but let them do something else! Let Tom’s Spider-Man grow by himself without older versions of himself “lil bro”ing him.”

“Such a terrible idea. Not every entertaining film needs a goddamn trilogy,” commented user Kanetsugu21.

“Assuming this rumor is true, I guarantee neither film is going to replicate the hype or excitement from D&W, and somehow its going to be our (the audience) fault.”

Yeah, it might be time to move on, Disney.

Look, I’m sure Hugh Jackman isn’t doing this against his will, and he’s unanimously loved in the role but… I just don’t see the MCU’s X-Men developing in any meaningful way without some fresh actors.

At this point, I’ll probably be 90 before Hugh Jackman hangs up the claws.

Featured Image Credit: Disney

Topics: MCU, Marvel, Disney