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The Last Of Us studio confirms new single-player games in development

The Last Of Us studio confirms new single-player games in development

Contrary to popular belief, the studio does want to develop other things

Neil Druckmann, creator of The Last of Us, has stated in a new interview that the studio is currently working on multiple new single-player games.

The interview in question was conducted by the LA Times, and is a deep dive into both Druckmann and developer Naughty Dog itself.

"I promise you, we will not be The Last of Us studio forever. We create experiences that are steeped in story and characters, especially relationships. The stories have some sort of philosophical core that everything is going to revolve around and feed into," Studio president Neil Druckmann stated in the interview, while also revealing that the entire team is working on "multiple single-player projects".

The news comes after an interview was published last month between Sony and the designer on its website, in which several different quotes were made that seemed to indicate the next game from the studio would completely change the perceptions of video games. Druckmann took to social media in order to set the record straight, and said that "in editing my rambling answers in my recent interview with Sony, some of my words, context, and intent were unfortunately lost."

The news likely comes as a relief to fans of the studio who are looking for something a little different. Over the last few years, Naughty Dog has released two separate re-releases for the two existing The Last of Us titles, and while they both added new content and changed the games to look like they were created for new-gen systems, a lot has been made of the lack of original content from Naughty Dog themselves. After all, this is a studio that once created Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter and Uncharted over the past almost thirty years, so something new could be very exciting.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Naughty Dog, The Last Of Us, Sony