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Stray officially confirmed for Xbox, coming in August

Stray officially confirmed for Xbox, coming in August

Finally, Stray is officially confirmed for Xbox and it's coming this August.

Some say that true perfection doesn't really exist, but what about purrrfection? Well, my friends, purrrfection does exist and it comes in the form of a ginger cat.

Developed by BlueTwelve Studio and published by Annapurna Interactive, Stray the action (aka ‘Cat Simulator), was released in July 2022 for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. What’s more, launching on PS Plus, Stray proved not only to be a massive success commercially but also for those that subscribed to Sony’s subscription service.

So to no surprise whatsoever, Stray became the most-played game on PS Plus by far for those that subscribed to the Extra and Premium tiers. In terms of reception, Stray scored quite favourably on Metacritic with 83 from critics and 8.4 from users.

Naturally, Xbox gamers were keeping their paws crossed that this fan-favourite ‘cat sim’ would soon stray over to the green brand. Those hopes were heightened when an ESRB rating appeared online, all but confirming that Xbox cat lovers were about to get their wish granted.

Thankfully, as reported by IGN (via the Annapurna Interactive showcase), we have some good news, because it has now been officially confirmed that Stray is coming to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, rejoice! It will be arriving on Microsoft’s consoles on 10 August 2023. So we can totally expect cats to be taking over the internet once more.

In our review, we said Stray: “is stunning, creative, funny, and filled with moments that genuinely made my jaw drop. Whether you adore cats, or have some fundamental piece of your soul missing and don’t really care about them either way, this game is the real deal.

“It might be a little on the short side, but I was never anything less than utterly captivated and thoroughly entertained during the entire adventure. And really, what more could you want from a video game in these trying times?”

Featured Image Credit: Annapurna Interactive/BlueTwelve Studio

Topics: Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X