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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse could bag Best Picture Oscar nomination

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse could bag Best Picture Oscar nomination

It's thought that Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse could be nominated for Best Picture at the 96th Academy Awards.

Everyone who’s seen it will tell you the same thing - Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse is simply phenomenal. Its loveable characters, engaging story, banging soundtrack and jaw-dropping visuals make for a stunning experience - I’ve genuinely not stopped thinking about it for weeks.

In his review, GAMINGbible’s very own Ewan Moore was also full of praise for the film, and noted that it’s “quite possibly the most visually stunning movie I've ever seen”. He wrote: “Sure, Avatar 2 treated us to photorealistic computer generated water and little blue fellas running around, but the level of ambition, attention, and sheer creativity on display in Spidey’s latest adventure is dizzying.”

Take a look at the trailer for Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse right here.

Now, as Variety reports, it’s thought that the film could have a serious chance of being nominated for Best Picture at the 96th Academy Awards. Believe it or not, only three animated films have ever been nominated for the category in the past, all of which were Disney favourites - Toy Story 3, Up, and Beauty and the Beast (1991). As such, it’d be a pretty huge deal if Across The Spider-Verse got one too, and especially if it won.

During the 91st Academy Awards, 2018’s Into the Spider-Verse won the award for Best Animated Feature, so it wouldn’t be the series’ first time having success at the Oscars. Variety notes that the preliminary voting to determine the nomination shortlists will commence in December, so it’ll be quite some time before we know if Across the Spider-Verse is in the running.

The movie’s success aside, it should be noted that there have recently been reports of employees who worked on the film being forced to work under crunch conditions in order to complete it - it’s alleged that over 100 artists quit production as a result.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing

Topics: Spider Man, TV And Film

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