Once a community bands together for the betterment of its respective industry perhaps none is more passionate and driven than a dedicated group of gamers.
For better or worse, whatever the cause, when passionate video game enthusiasts set their minds on something, especially when it comes to a rallying petition, this community certainly knows how to make their voices heard.
Check out the Skyrim Anniversary Edition trailer below!
That being said, when it comes to officially supported content, few video games can compete with Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which has not only seen fantastic expansions and re-releases but it’s also supported by an ever-vibrant modding community.
Skyrim was first released in 2011 so to expect Bethesda to release another official expansion would be quite unreasonable to this point with the company having a focus on Starfield as well as the upcoming releases of The Elder Scrolls VI and Fallout 5.
However, this is where passionate fans can come into play as discussed in a recent Reddit thread when user ElysiumReviews asked “If you could create one more DLC for Skyrim, what would it be?”
“I'd like a DLC dedicated to Winterhold, rebuilding the town and docks, but it would have to be after completing the Dragonborn expansion,” suggested Spiritual-Math666 and EquinoxGm said, “A better Hearthfire expansion but instead of building a home you can help rebuild a hold, ie Winterhold.”
Arguably the most interesting suggestion was from Endellior who would love to see a story being told detailing the death of the Dragonborn.
“The Thalmor/Aldmeri Dominion is completely focused on ensuring your death prevents any further headway for an ‘Independent Skyrim/Stabilised Skyrim’ (depending on your allegiance in civil war)” proposed Endellior. “Knowing your power having entered Sovngarde, defeating the world eater, and your hand in the occurrences of Miraak's demise.”
“During an ascent to High Hrothgar, you're thrown from the mountain by an overwhelming assault of the Dominion's magical prowess. The Thalmor, alongside everyone else in Skyrim, has presumed the Dragonborn is dead,” they continued.
“You awaken in a bed, dazed, injured and near death. Klimmek found you floating downstream toward Ivarstead and smuggled you into his home whilst the Dominion descended onto Ivarstead, slaughtering the few guards and proclaiming their rule over Skyrim and the death of you, for all to hear.”
They concluded: “During your recovery and the slipping in and out of consciousness, you are approached by Talos, who throughout the DLC guides you to strength no other Dragonborn has ever attained, but is needed for the war to come.”
There’s every chance that the suggestions mentioned in this Reddit thread will not come to fruition, however, as we’ve learned many times over the years, when it comes to community-inspired content, talented and devoted modders will often have us covered.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is out now on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.
Topics: Mods, PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda