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Silent Hill Reboot Update Is Bad News For Some Fans, Says Insider

Silent Hill Reboot Update Is Bad News For Some Fans, Says Insider

After screenshots appeared to unveil the long-rumoured Silent Hill reboot, a fresh leak reveals that the game may be a console-exclusive.

Silent Hill is the talk of the gaming town. Rumours of a potential reboot have been circling for quite some time, but yesterday we got our first crumb of proof that a Silent Hill reboot is in production and it was an oh so glorious feeling.

It’s very early days. Nothing has yet been confirmed by Konami but the leak does come from a reputed source who essentially revealed the entirety of Resident Evil Village ahead of time, so they have some kudos. We’re still digesting this news but today, there’s yet another alleged Silent Hill leak because as Smash Mouth would say (sort of), the leaks start coming and they don’t stop coming.

If you're a fan of Silent Hill, take a look at this teaser trailer for Slitterhead - a brand new game from Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama.

Industry insider Jeff Grubb has taken to Twitter (yet again) to tease us with his endless bank of secrets. Fresh from revealing the alleged title of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Grubb is now claiming that the Silent Hill reboot will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive - which is of course bad news for previous-gen and non-PlayStation players.

It seems an obvious point to make but as excited as we’re all getting, Konami are still yet to confirm that a Silent Hill reboot is even in development, so all of this has to be taken with an enormous pinch - let’s call it a handful - of salt.

We don’t yet know which studio is supposedly working on the rumoured reboot. The theory is that it may be Bloober Team who have worked on horror titles like Blair Witch and The Medium. Both those games received cross-platform releases, as have most entries in the Silent Hill franchise to date.

Rumours of a possible private deal between Konami and Sony have also been around for quite some time but until either party officially confirms anything, this is all a little bit up in the air for the moment.

Featured Image Credit: Konami

Topics: Konami, Silent Hill, PlayStation 5, PlayStation

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