You'd be forgiven for not knowing much about it considering Rockstar Games never really talks about it, but Red Dead Revolver is a genuinely underappreciated gem of a game.
Six years before Rockstar stunned us all with Red Dead Redemption, 2004 saw the release of a smaller and much more linear action-adventure game set in the Wild West.
Red Dead Revolver is effectively to Red Dead Redemption what Demon's Souls is to Dark Souls: more of a proto-version of what was to come than an actual entry in the main series. Revolver has no bearing on the events of Redemption, and the plot of the 2004 game have never officially been made canon as far as the Redemption games go.
Obviously, Revolver isn't a patch on Redemption and Redemption 2, but it's a piece of history that Rockstar fans would do well to check out. That's why I'm more than happy to direct your attention to a stunning Unreal Engine 5 demo that finally gives Revolver the respect it deserves.
Created by Youtuber 'Teaserplay', the below video imagines the original Red Dead game with a thoroughly modern overhaul - and the results are absolutely stunning.
While it's very unlikely that an official Red Dead Revolver remake will ever see the light of day, rumours abound that Rockstar is putting together a remake of Red Dead Redemption that will use Red Dead Redemption 2's engine.
Am I going to replay a game I've already played over a dozen times just because it has nice graphics? Yes. Obviously I am. And I'm willing to bet you will too, because we're all suckers.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games