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Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers open world encounter that's one of the strangest we've seen

Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers open world encounter that's one of the strangest we've seen

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a lot of secrets

While Rockstar is known for creating worlds with an incredible level of depth, they're also known for adding Easter eggs to their games that fans are still hunting for years after the game was originally released, and that's also the case with their most recent title, Red Dead Redemption 2.

Over on Reddit, one post has brought to light a discovery that Red Dead Redemption 2 fans made about a weird occurrence that can happen if you set up the right circumstances in a specific location in the game.

Take a look at some of our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails.

"So to the north of Owanjila lake there is a [Native] burial group where you can receive the hatchet, but if you throw a fire bottle at the centre of the burial ground, you get a little lightning that strikes a rock not too far from you," the Reddit user wrote.

As somebody in the comments of the thread pointed out, there's a way to cause the game to have storms unlike much else in the game.

"If you keep torching the site, it will rain and then storm to unseen levels in the game. It gets hurricane [level] strong. It's intense. The whole area becomes monsoon like and hard to navigate because of the rain but you can also see more lightning focus on the mountain top. I've had occurrences of thick fog that was near impossible to navigate, while fighting some bounty hunters. And as well, this event can summon wolves to the site," reddit user Atxd1v3 wrote.

It's currently unclear exactly what this is referencing, or if it is indeed a purposeful reference at all. Though, knowing the history that Rockstar has with adding things to their games that aren't found for years, maybe we just haven't looked hard enough yet.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption