Steam gamers, and others too, are able to get their hands on some freebies for Dying Light as the game nears its 10th anniversary.
The franchise, which has since seen a sequel, started 10 years ago and combined gnarly zombie action with parkour movement.
Dying Light quickly became one to play for horror fans.
Dying Light has been around for 10 years, and we're just dust in the wind.
I’d love to say I’ve played Dying Light and this anniversary bundle is a boon for players, but if I’m honest, while I enjoyed the few hours I got out of the game, I bounced off it for something else at the time.
The goodies available, which can be claimed for free on Steam and console, seem to be a delightful addition that aid in celebrating the game properly.
In the free 10th anniversary bundle, you’ll find “the certified Hotshot Outfit, the invaluable Dawnbreaker shotgun, the radiant Sunburst revolver, and the glimmering Golden Idol machete”.
Each item is gilded gold to make it really standout and is a part of “symbolising your role as a beacon of hope for survivors and a formidable force against enemies”.
This paint job will also be applied to the buggy in-game and known as the “Golden Hour” paint job.
Steam owners will need to download the bundle in order to apply it to the game, and I’d imagine the same can be said of the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game.
Fans of the franchise are loving seeing the game get some attention from developers Techland as one Twitter user said, “Love Dying Light!! One of my favourite zombie games.”
Another fan noted, “Been playing Dying Light since 2015. Time flies don’t it?”
It does indeed. We’re all just endlessly trudging onwards towards death as time falls away like an eroding cliff, struggling to hold the weight of life upon it.
Topics: Dying Light 2, PC, Steam, Techland