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Fallout fans need to check out this 9/10 free Steam game now

Fallout fans need to check out this 9/10 free Steam game now

Fallout fans can put on their conductors’ hats and run their own post-apocalyptic train service in this free Steam game.

Fallout fans can put on their conductors’ hats and run their own post-apocalyptic train service in this free Steam game.

If you’re looking for a cool premise for a new game, just slap a post-apocalyptic Earth into the mix and you'll be fine. It’s done wonders for Bethesda with the Fallout series, which subjects players to harsh and scorching hot wastelands following the events of a nuclear war.

Speaking of Fallout, check out the teaser for the new live-action show below

For those wanting something a little bit different though, allow us to point you in the direction of Frostrain, a free game on Steam that puts a unique spin on the survival genre.

Now Frostrain is exactly what it says on the tin, you’re in charge of the last train service on Earth which is coincidentally chugging through a snowy tundra. If you’ve ever seen the film Snowpiercer it’s a bit like that, but the person in charge of the train isn’t a bad guy, it’s you.

The aim of the game is simple: keep the train running and the passengers happy as you transport some of the last surviving humans to “the promised land,” a safe haven away where humanity could potentially start again, provided they get there.

By organising card decks you can keep the train moving whilst also improving it. All the work is done by the humans living there but you need to keep track of their happiness. If they’re happy to do the work, job done, if they’re not, they’re more likely to revolt and take matters into their own hands.

It’s good fun, and is a bit reminiscent of Fallout: Shelter if you’ve ever played that, or most survival strategy games.

Frostrain is a free-to-play game on Steam and it’s had some great reviews from those who’ve given it a go, so if it looks like your cup of tea take a look and see what you think.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda/Valve

Topics: Fallout, Steam, PC, Free Games