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Red Dead Redemption 2 player finds secret NSFW encounter: 'I couldn't believe my eyes'

Red Dead Redemption 2 player finds secret NSFW encounter: 'I couldn't believe my eyes'

Seeing is believing, as on RDR II player found out

I’m all for NSFW discoveries in video games – knowing a gamer has stumbled upon an unexpected scene, or that they’ve accidentally revealed a secret fetish of theirs, just warms the soul, you know?

Now, as much as I love the story I’m about to tell you, my favourite NSFW one so far goes to the person who showed Hentai to their boss during a work presentation. Still, while this one doesn’t quite beat that wonderfully horrific car crash moment, I will say I like the interactivity of this new story even more.

Check out other hilarious RDR II wins and fails below!

During their second playthrough of Red Dead Redemption II, which we can all agree is one of the best open-world games in existence, this particular gamer stumbled upon two NPCs peeping through a window, talking about the couple within. When the player tried to move Arthur closer to said window, the NPCs walked away, but, apparently, a prompt to look in appeared on the screen. Without any hesitation, they accepted.

I’d love to say they witnessed the most unspeakable of sex scenes, but alas, the scene they saw was much tamer. It’s still classed as NSFW, but only because many workplaces frown upon the use of drugs. Inside the room, a man and woman were lying on the bed in their underwear, smoking what the OP and other Redditors believe is opium, the two of them high as kites. “Definitely the most amazing NPCs encounter I've ever seen in a videogame, ever. I couldn't believe my eyes. This game is amazing,” concluded the OP.

Sadly, no screenshots of the moment were captured. Nonetheless, while there’s no photographic proof, plenty of other RDR players have confirmed that stoned NPCs are a common occurrence in the game. “ There’s an event like that in Strawberry too, and another one in Valentine where they’re all doped up on opium,” said zup7up, while a second Redditor revealed yet another location, “It happens at night at one of the bridges (not the one where the general store is). Have fun!”

Having never witnessed this for myself, I’m going to load up the game to see if I can find some of these mellowed-out NPCs, for scientific reasons only.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Take-Two, Rockstar Games, PC, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation