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PlayStation is reviving a franchise we haven't seen in years

PlayStation is reviving a franchise we haven't seen in years

It's time to revive a series and a genre

It’s a return to the franchise for Dynasty Warriors: Origins, the first mainline game in the series since 2018. Shown off at Sony’s State of Play event, it looks like a return to form for the genre.

Of course, it was an action-packed showing for the game, as the Musou genre tends to be, with hundreds of enemies on the screen at once getting their asses kicked.

Another reveal from the Sony State of Play Showcase was the Silent Hill 2 Remake

While the genre is niche, this could see the Dynasty Warriors franchise leap to a new generation of players thanks to its gorgeous visuals and cluttered combat bursting with attacks and abilities.

Personally, I’ve not been much of a fan of the Musou games beyond the Zelda and Persona crossovers we’ve seen in the past, yet I found myself wanting to experience the PS5 running full steam ahead with hordes of enemies and flashy combat.

Given the game’s subtitle of ‘Origins’ this could be a prequel for the series and, as far as I can tell, the protagonist is entirely new. I’m not sure how you create a prequel in this universe given just how many games there are - this will be the tenth in the main series.

If you like your action games chaotic and frenetic then it’s worth checking out Dynasty Warriors: Origins, and hopefully, it acts as a jumping on point for those who have always wanted to give the genre a try.

There’s no doubt the PlayStation 5 will bring a level of shine to the game and every frame of the trailer looks lush. Whether this entry is exclusive to the newer generation of consoles is yet to be seen. The previous entry still released on PS4, but it was some time ago, perhaps this is a full shift into the new generation.

Featured Image Credit: Koei Tecmo

Topics: Sony, PlayStation, PlayStation 5