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PlayStation Plus new batch of free games includes two 10/10 RPGs

PlayStation Plus new batch of free games includes two 10/10 RPGs

The next wave of PlayStation Plus Extra games has been leaked, containing two legendary RPGs, fans aren’t impressed though.

The next wave of PlayStation Plus Extra games has been leaked, containing two legendary RPGs, fans aren’t impressed though.

Another month means another PlayStation Plus update, and leakers have revealed six titles that’ll likely be making their way onto the subscription service very soon.

Check out Marvel's Spider-Man 2 below, releasing next month!

Revealed via a Reddit thread by TheNewTerrorBilly, the following games will soon join the PlayStation Plus Extra game catalogue: Nier Replicant, Star Ocean Divine Force, 13 Sentinels, Sid Meier’s, Civilization VI, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 and Unpacking.

They’re pretty good additions in terms of genre variety, though the two worth focusing on are Nier Replicant and Star Ocean Divine Force, two fantastic RPGs that are well worth checking out if you favour an anime vibe/aesthetic.

We’ve also got 13 Sentinels, a charming 2D side-scroller with a jaw-dropping art style, Sid Meier’s Civilisation VI for fans of strategy games, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 for those who like a tactical FPS, and last but not least, Unpacking, a relaxing puzzle game about unpacking possessions and placing them in their new home.

Overall, it’s not a bad line-up, hopefully with something for everyone if they’re willing to give them a go.

Fans aren’t impressed though, with many still being rightfully angry about the new price-hike for all PlayStation Plus memberships. The increase was announced a few weeks ago in a PlayStation blog post, prompting outrage from fans. Sony stated the increase would lead to higher-quality games being added to the service.

“We're increasing the price in 40% in order to provide you with Extra High Quality games. the games:”

“With the money we’re paying for Extra now, Civ 6 had better come with the DLCs.”

“The high quality 13 year old games everyone. Lets f****** goooo”

The six games will find their new home on PlayStation Plus Extra on 19 September.

Featured Image Credit: Sony/Square Enix

Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Sony