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PlayStation All-Stars is due a comeback, fans agree

PlayStation All-Stars is due a comeback, fans agree

Hey now, you're an all star

Fans rarely come together, even when they love the same game. So when fans agree on something, you bet your ass we take it seriously, especially when it’s about All-Stars Battle Royale.

Released by Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2012, the crossover platform fighter built on the foundations of the Super Smash Bros franchise in a unique way. And by unique, we mean it never received critical acclaim, but players to this day can’t deny it had its quirks that worked in its favour.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is PlayStation's next major exclusive.

PlayStation fans decided to take a stroll down memory lane a couple of days ago, and since that interesting decision was made, no end of gamers have also followed the path into obscure gaming memories. It’s a road we sometimes tread, without rhyme or reason, simply because we love nostalgia.

“Had so much fun playing this game my freshman year of college,” said Redditor Drod-760. “I suck at Smash Bros but kicked ass in this against my friends. We even played online for a bit against random duos and would get obliterated by their combos. Still had a blast.”

Another user commented, “This needs a sequel so badly. Or at the very least a high-quality remaster/remake.” Of course, while many share the sentiments of these two users, there are some gamers who don’t see the appeal, and even if they did, they know that Sony won’t ever revive this 2012 game. “It bombed. Sony only wants multi-million sellers now. All franchises and games that underperform quickly get forgotten. Sony is too narrow-sighted to see the bigger picture in that this type of game could be used to advertise their lesser-known franchises.”

Sadly, ain’t that the truth of it? Not that we’re judging Sony for wanting to invest in its more successful franchises – it makes financial sense – but where’s the unbridled passion of not giving two hoots what anyone thinks and doing what you love? That’s what All-Stars fans want to see, and while I don’t share their enthusiasm, I’m supporting them in spirit.

I’ll leave you with this impassioned speech from theunknownkiddo1 that says it all: “THAT’S WHAT I’VE F**KING BEEN SAYING! This game has to be in my top three favourite games of all time – I used to play this for hours, day and night on my PS Vita AND PS3."

So powerful. So brave.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Topics: PlayStation, Sony