No one can really definitively say which PlayStation game is the greatest of all time because no matter how critically acclaimed a game is or how many copies have been sold, at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference.
We often hear Mount Rushmore being mentioned when talk of the greatest comes into conversation. Mount Rushmore is a massive memorial sculpture in the Black Hills region of South Dakota, the United States. It features George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Some believe that these are the four best US presidents of all time. However, there are only four slots, so if we were to talk about the Mount Rushmore of PlayStation exclusives, that should result in one heck of a debate.
Check out the Bloodborne trailer below!
If I were to throw my four PlayStation exclusives into the hat, I’d have to go with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, The Last of Us, God of War (2018) and Horizon Zero Dawn. Yet if you were to ask me on a different day, my choices may vary. That being said, if I were to mention a top 10 or in the case of the official Sony Twitter account, a top 16, the chances are that FromSoftware’s Bloodborne would make the list. Unfortunately, to the dismay of Bloodborne fans, Sony completely ignored it in a recent poll, a game which scored 92 on Metacritic and is widely considered to be an all-time great.
Bloodborne was released for the PlayStation 4 in 2015 and since the launch of the PlayStation 5 in 2020, not only have fans wished to see a sequel but also a new-gen remaster. Yet, it seemingly feels that Bloodborne is being ignored and this snub is the latest insult to fans. Like seriously Sony, what gives?
“Why was Bloodborne not a part of this?” asked mrpyo1. “Bloodborne isn’t there cause it’s the final boss that the champion will face afterwards,” replied JV_C_R. “Bloodborne, you may have been forgotten by Sony but us real ones will keep the game relevant,” exclaimed LandoMac. As you can imagine, those comments reflected much of what was being said by FromSoftware fans.
Hopefully, Sony will give us a Bloodborne sequel or remaster one day on PlayStation 5, we just won't be holding our breath waiting for that to happen anytime soon. Bloodborne is available now on PS4 and is backwards compatible at 30 frames per second with PS5.
Topics: Bloodborne, Fromsoftware, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony, Uncharted, The Last Of Us, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn