I’m officially at the end of my wick with the PlayStation Store. Sony will let anyone upload anything to it at this point, from clearly fake Grand Theft Auto VI clones to whatever the hell Bikini Beach: Anime Girls Assault is.
Generative AI has resulted in legions of fake slop worming their way onto several different storefronts. Although PlayStation often gets a lot of the stick in this regard, Nintendo is just as bad (if not worse).
Which comfortably brings me to my next point, because Anime Life Sim could not be a bigger Animal Crossing ripoff if it tried - which is funny because the images were definitely generated by just feeding the prompt “Animal Crossing game” through an AI generator.
In case you’re curious as to how I’m so certain of this, just take a look at the furniture, character models and trees in the images featured in that Reddit post.
See how all the trees just happen to be modelled in unique, slightly jank ways? How the player character’s eyes are oddly mishaped and distinct from one another?
Even the furniture in the background just… makes no sense. I feel like just looking at it is giving me a headache.
Tales of the Shire could scratch the AC itch instead.
The real question is, why in the hell is Sony letting this kind of obvious, AI rubbish onto the PlayStation store in the first place? Is there no system in place to vet the images that these authors upload?
Also can’t help but notice that the person who is supposedly responsible for uploading the listing for Anime Life Sim is called “Maksym Vysochanskyy” - you know, the same name as the dude that was once referred to as the “kingpin of international computer crime” back in the early 2000s?
Please, Sony, I am begging you - just employ ONE dude to give these games a quick once over before you let them on your official site.
Topics: Animal Crossing, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony