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Skyrim just got a much-needed overhaul for one of its most-dated features

Skyrim just got a much-needed overhaul for one of its most-dated features

Praise the modder behind this beauty

As popular as Bethesda’s RPG is, it’s starting to show its age.

Not only is the game still suffering from a game-breaking bug all these years, but the user interface could generally do with a makeover.

Considering how old Skyrim is, it’s highly unlikely that Bethesda will give us this much needed revamp, and so fans have stepped up to the plate instead.

Skyrim is still a banger 13 years later

The NexusMods ‘Modern Wait Menu’ download may be simple, but in its simplicity it delivers a more contemporary feature to the gameplay this 13-year-old game now lacks.

The new menu has been inspired by The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Cyberpunk 2077, as explained by the mods’ creator, Fallen01135.

Here’s the overview of the menu’s features:

  • Complete UI redesign to Skyrims wait menu
  • Dynamic Weather indicator (compatible with all weather mods)
  • 'Current Time' to 'Destination Time' text when selecting a time
  • Current in game date displayed in the UI
  • New cursor indicator
  • Full Controller support
  • Available in English and German

A Skyrim player who’s already downloaded the mod had this to say, “I've been loving this mod, thank you for your hard work.”

Other fans also remarked on this being a “fantastic mod”, thus further cementing it as a must-have for those still exploring the depths of the RPG today.

Seeing as Skyrim now has a modern in-game feature, it’s only natural that fans start to think once again about The Elder Scrolls VI, and how it’ll be a game we’re playing for a very long time.

If the new Elder Scrolls has half the secrets and mods Skyrim does, it’ll be a chunky game indeed. One that’ll continue to grow as the fandom adds more colourful expansions to keep it living on long after its launch.

As for the here and now, all we can do is wait for the new instalment, while making the iconic Skyrim the best experience it can be all these years later.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda, Mods, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, The Elder Scrolls