We’re finally getting a feature (if you can technically even call it that) in Pokémon Legends: Z-A that fans across the globe have been begging Game Freak to add for literal decades - although it’s kind of confusing as to why it took so long for us to get it.
Roughly two weeks ago, the source code for the Pokémon HOME side of the Nintendo Switch title Pokémon Scarlet and Violet randomly showed up online.
Now, data miners are still making their way through the leak, but we have found one little interesting tidbit of info - info that directly relates to Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
“We finally have confirmation that Pokémon Legends: Z-A will be the first main series game to add the Spanish (Latin America) language option,” Centro LEAKS revealed.
“Game Freak is hard at work at adding compatibility of this language to Pokémon HOME.”
Take a look at Pokémon Legends Z-A in action below.
So, how do we know that Pokémon Legends: Z-A will contain a Latin American Spanish translation, from data taken from Pokémon HOME?
Because the two titles will have to be compatible with one another, so that Pokémon from Pokémon Legends: Z-A can be transferred to Pokémon HOME, it would seem that the latter title actually contains some info on the former - hence why data miners have been able to determine that Pokémon HOME will support Latin American Spanish Pokémon that originated in Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
To non-Spanish speaking folks, this might not sound like a huge deal, but “European” Spanish and Latin American Spanish actually differ greatly - hence why several people who commented on Centro LEAKS’ post were thrilled to hear that Pokémon Legends: Z-A will be the first Pokémon title to support it.
“Ooh... I might actually consider playing this game in Spanish for the first time ever,” commented user @WynneRichport.
“F**king finally!” replied user @YonkouParagus, “I'm tired of the trash Spanish translation we had for 20 years.”
Personally, I’m glad they’re finally adding the option to the upcoming game. Just not really sure why it took them almost 30 years to put a Latin American Spanish option in a Pokémon game…
Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Pokemon, Nintendo Switch 2