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Hogwarts Legacy 2 quietly guaranteed for one next-gen console

Hogwarts Legacy 2 quietly guaranteed for one next-gen console

The future is magical

The future of Hogwarts Legacy is in safe hands.

At least, all evidence points to that being the case.

Should you have missed the news (somehow), one of the studios that worked on Hogwarts Legacy has been purchased by a big-name publisher.

Consequently, a sequel launching on at least one next-gen console seems more than feasible.

Let the magic flow through you in Hogwarts Legacy

Nintendo has purchased Shiver Entertainment, the studio which helped create the Nintendo Switch port of Hogwarts Legacy.

This, combined with Nintendo announcing the Switch 2, has renewed interest in the game, but also in what the sequel will include.

“By welcoming Shiver’s experienced and accomplished development team, Nintendo aims to secure high-level resources for porting and developing software titles," the announcement reads.

Initially, there was no excitement regarding the sequel, mainly due to an announcement from Warner Bros that soured the prospect of playing one of its games.

However, since then, fans have warmed up to the idea of the sequel going ahead.

But before work on a sequel begins, Nintendo will undoubtedly have Shiver Entertainment focused on other ports for the Switch/Switch 2 as well.

Not only will Shiver work on Nintendo ports, but reportedly the studio will be able to work on ports for competitors as well, such as PlayStation.

“Going forward, even after it becomes a part of the Nintendo group, Shiver’s focus will remain the same, continuing commissions that port and develop software for multiple platforms including Nintendo Switch.”

Some have speculated that these “multiple platforms” might be referring to PC ports of beloved Nintendo titles. However, there is no proof of that thus far.

What happens next is largely unknown. We can certainly speculate, but without Nintendo laying all of its plans before us, what Shiver will do first for the publisher will remain a mystery.

Nevertheless, at least we can rest easy knowing that when Hogwarts Legacy 2 is on the way, Shiver will play its part.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros Games

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Nintendo Switch, Warner Bros, Harry Potter, Nintendo