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'Red Dead Redemption 2' On Lowest Settings Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

'Red Dead Redemption 2' On Lowest Settings Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

Yee - and I cannot stress this enough - argh.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

When Red Dead Redemption 2 launched on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One last year, it pushed the current generation of consoles to their respective limits. Whatever your thoughts on the game's pace, story, and combat, there can be no denying that Rockstar epic Western is one of the most gorgeous games ever created.

From the snowy mountains to the rain soak valleys and sun-dappled canyons, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a looker through and through. Hell, even those horse testicles looked great, right? Wait, that didn't come out exactly the way I meant it. I just meant that the horse balls looked goo- oh, never mind.

Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2

Moving swiftly and completely on, when it was announced that Red Dead Redemption 2 would finally be coming to PC, I was incredibly excited by the possibilities. It's already a stunning-looking game on PS4 and Xbox One, after all. The idea of seeing it on a high-end PC in all its glory was a delicious prospect.

Rockstar's latest PC release is one with fairly monstrous specs, obviously. There's every chance then, that many gamers out there armed with potato PCs would choose to go in the other direction, seeing not how gorgeous they can make Red Dead Redemption 2 look, but how truly ugly they can make it. While still able to be considered playable, of course.

One such gamer is the YouTuber known as The LowSpec Gamer. As you can see from their informative - and often deeply disturbing - video below, there are all kinds of ways that you can get Red Dead Redemption 2 running on a low-end PC. The trade off just seems to be the ability to sleep at night.

As you can see, our intrepid YouTuber makes some pretty big changes to Rockstar's game. It starts off with some fairly simple stuff, like doing away with some of the lush green foliage and water effects. Standard stuff that shouldn't take away from the immersive experience too much. But then things get weird.

Gone are the detailed character models and gorgeous horses with their shiny coats. They all appear to have been replaced with creatures that crawled straight out of some horrendous fever dream that I once had about RuneScape.

Who needs horse testicles and beautifully-animated faces when you can simply pretend Red Dead Redemption 2 is a particularly ambitious PS1-era game though, am I right?

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar, PC