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Metacritic's best game of 2022 isn't Elden Ring or God Of War

Metacritic's best game of 2022 isn't Elden Ring or God Of War

And we're not mad about it.

'Tis the season. December is when we lose friends and form enemies with our nearest and dearest, quibbling over which game was the best of the year and deserves to top the metaphorical tree. Sometimes, the only way to settle these debates is to consult an aggregate site, and according to Metacritic, the best game of 2022 is...

Not God of War Ragnarök. Well, it landed 10 nominations for Game Direction, Art Direction, Performances, Audio Design, and Action-Adventure at The Game Awards for a reason, right? Amongst the GAMINGbible team we absolutely adore it and aren't ashamed to say we shed a tear or five at the ending.

It must be Elden Ring instead. Surely. You saw the impact that game had over the Souls community and even outside of that niche - our own Will braved the Lands Between in the diary of a noob playing one of the most daunting RPGs ever made.

While I wait for a drum roll to announce the real answer, check out the trailer for the Colosseum update for Elden Ring below:

As you have surmised, these two were kept from ruling the roost. The best game of 2022, according to Metacritic, is Portal Companion Collection.

I can't be shocked by this. Portal and Portal 2 are equally excellent puzzlers that haven't aged nor fallen in the esteem of gamers everywhere. Plus, the ability to enjoy the story of Chell, GLaDOS and Wheatley is now available on the Nintendo Switch, attracting new audiences and allowing players to pick up where they left off on the go. Or even on the John. No judgement here.

Featured Image Credit: Sony, Bandai Namco, Nickelodeon Animation Studio

Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch