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The Last Of Us fans are sick of the show constantly killing off beloved characters

The Last Of Us fans are sick of the show constantly killing off beloved characters

The Last of Us fans are tired of seeing their favourite characters killed off week after week.

I adore The Last of Us but I’ll be the first to admit that it’s a pretty tragic tale. For those of us who are familiar with Naughty Dog’s acclaimed video game series, we know exactly what to expect - and that is having our heart ripped out every week. Those who are discovering this story for the first time though are fed up of seeing their favourite characters killed off. It goes without saying, spoilers for episodes that have aired lie ahead.

HBO’s The Last of Us has just two episodes left to air, sigh. It’s been a fun ride. The latest episode, ‘Left Behind’ was actually the lowest-rated instalment to date which is a shame as it included some really sweet moments. Unfortunately, many have been review-bombing it due to its inclusion of a kiss between Ellie and Riley. The end of the episode saw Riley meet her demise, but she’s not the only character to be taken from us.

Excited for episode eight? Take a look at the promo for ‘When We Are In Need’ below.

In episode one, we lost Riley. Episode two, Tess. Episode three, Bill and Frank. Episode five, Sam and Henry. Episode seven, Riley. It’s only episodes four and six that offered us any kind of respite and even then, episode six saw Joel get impaled. Needless to say, The Last of Us fans are emotionally exhausted.

Twitter user targ_nation wrote, “The Last of Us has mastered the ‘make you fall in love with a character and killing them that same episode’ strategy,” while landonisdon added, “The Last of Us just rips out whatever’s left of your heart from the previous week every Sunday night,” accompanied by the iconic crying Pedro meme. GraveNova tweeted, “The Last of Us writers trying to escape the people asking them to pay their therapy bills.”

I wish I had comforting words to offer you as we look ahead to the remainder of the season and beyond to season two, but it’s just not that kind of a story. The Last of Us’ showrunner has teased that Part II is bigger than one season, so we could have a third season on the horizon. Now that is something to be happy about.

Featured Image Credit: HBO

Topics: The Last Of Us, TV And Film, Naughty Dog