Kanye West is certainly a unique individual. Once known for his music, West is now perhaps better known for his controversial comments and ideas.
Between running for president and pretending to decapitate Kim Kardashian’s latest beau Pete Davidson in a recent music video, West also found time to pitch a “moving” video game idea to Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto. I’m being dead serious.
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In addition to being the current head of Nintendo, Miyamoto is the creator of several of the company's major franchises including Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Pikmin. According to former journalist Zachary Ryan, West approached Miyamoto at 2015’s E3 event with a prototype game that showed his late-mother, Donda West, flying up to heaven. Miyamoto reportedly found the demo both “interesting” and “very moving,” but nothing ultimately came of the strange encounter.
“Here's a little story about one of the funniest moments I had in games media,” Ryan said. “In early 2016, I flew to NY to shoot an interview with Miyamoto [...] as we were packing up our gear, someone mentioned Kanye's new record. ‘Kanye!’ Miyamoto exclaimed and started emphatically telling a story. His translator sprung into action.”
Ryan continued, “He went on to say that Kanye showed him the prototype for a video game. In it, you played as Kanye's late mother flying to heaven, set to a soundtrack conducted by Kanye himself. He was shaking his head as he described it, not like he thought it was a bad game but more so in the way that he just sorta couldn't believe that Kanye West was pitching him a video game.”
“He described incredulously and in great detail what the game looked like and how it played. [...] At the end of the story, he nodded and said ‘it was very interesting.’ There was a long pause and he added ‘it was very moving.’ Then he laughed REALLY hard and said ‘Kanye West wanted to make a game with Nintendo.’” Well, there you go folks. Make of that what you will.
Topics: Nintendo, The Legend Of Zelda, Mario