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Johnny Knoxville is being sued for emotional distress and anxiety over a prank

Johnny Knoxville is being sued for emotional distress and anxiety over a prank

An electrician was hired to carry out a repair, but was reportedly accused of killing a pony and possessing drugs in the process.

The Jackass crew are known for carrying out elaborate, dangerous, and oftentimes downright stupid pranks. Earlier this year, the gang returned in Jackass Forever which saw Steve-O use his penis as a beehive, Johnny Knoxville face off against a bull, and newcomer Rachel Wolfson have a scorpion sting her lips. Why you would want to partake in any of those activities, I do not know.

The thing is with pranks, they’re not enjoyed by everyone - especially when they’re as drastic as those carried out in the Jackass franchise. In fact, one handyman is suing Knoxville for emotional distress and anxiety after he unknowingly became the victim of one of the crew’s pranks. According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, Khalil Khan became involved in the prank after he was hired via TaskRabbit to carry out a repair on an electric dimmer switch.

According to Khan’s claim, the “owner“ of the house was an actor who was also in on the prank. Shortly after starting the repair work, Khan reported that the lights went out before a girl - aged around 10 years old - appeared in the room. Also believed to be an actor, the girl accused Khan of killing her pony. She reportedly told Khan that the pony was on life support and died when the electricity cut out.

Khan reported that he was then led to a room which contained what appeared to be a dead pony. He then noticed that his car was being towed outside the house. Khan supposedly then started to call the cops but one of the men towing the car (believed to be another actor) removed a small bag of white power and said he would get into trouble for the cocaine found in his car. Khan reported knowing nothing of the bag and was horrified by the accusation.

Eventually, Knoxville supposedly informed Khan that this was all part of an elaborate prank - offering the handyman money for his participation. According to TMZ though, Khan has since suffered from emotional distress, anxiety and possible harm to his business reputation. Khan described the prank as a “terrifying ordeal” (Via Variety).

It’s thought that the prank may be a part of the filming for the new TV series The Prank Patrol which is set to air next year. The series sees the Jackass crew prank unsuspecting members of the public. Khan said he will be subjected to “embarrassment and ridicule” if the footage is ever released.

Featured Image Credit: Johnny Knoxville via Instagram, Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels

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