The Harry Potter series is widely known for some of its incredibly emotional moments, as well as plot holes… Now JK Rowling has addressed one of these moments, shedding some light on what happened to Herminone’s parents after the wizarding war ended.
During the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry, Ron and Hermione became public enemies one, two, and three in the wizarding world, which had been taken over by Voldemort and his forces.
This pushed the trio into hiding where they could plan their counterattack and save the world, but not before one important and heart-breaking story beat…
Hermione (arguably the most intelligent witch in the series) wanted to ensure her family was safe from Voldemort, and in an emotional moment, cast the “obliviate” spell on them, erasing their memories of her entirely.
Eventually, Harry and his friends were able to defeat Voldemort and his army of dark wizards in an enormous battle at Hogwarts, and everything went back to normal…sort of.
After the story had come to a close, it was left up in the air what exactly happened to the Grangers after peace had returned to the wizarding world, and whether their memory of Hermione had been restored or if they were cursed to never know her again.
However, JK Rowling has finally addressed Granger's fate on a webchat where she was asked a number of burning questions sent in by Harry Potter enthusiasts. When asked if Hermione was able to restore her parent’s memories, Rowling replied: “Yes, she brought them home straight away.”
And there you have it, a plot hole has been fixed by the author herself, although it does make the moment she erases their memory a little bit less impactful when you know it’ll all go back to normal later on…
Maybe the new Harry Potter TV reboot series will tackle the moment a little differently.
Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film