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Damn, 'Skyrim' Looks So Much Better With Paragliders

Damn, 'Skyrim' Looks So Much Better With Paragliders

I can fly twice as high

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

It's no secret that The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild took plenty of inspiration from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - both in terms of what to do and what not to do.

In Skyrim, everybody spams the jump button to cheese their way up the side of a mountain if they can't be bothered to find the footpath leading up it. Breath Of The Wild took note of this, and decided to make climbing an actual feature. This was a genius move that completely changed the way the player interacted with the world and opened it up massively. Even better, you could simply glide back down safely from any height you may have scaled - a fun and rewarding end to any climb.

Take a look at our guided tour of Skyrim below:

Honestly, Breath Of The Wild's glider kind of ruined other open-world games for me. Now, whenever I scale the top of a mountain in a game like Skyrim or Ghost Of Tsushima, I want to get back down as fast as possible. Who has time to carefully and safely make their way down a cliff when they could just yeet themselves off the top and let the wind carry them to new adventures?

That's why I'm thrilled to see one modder has been moved by Breath Of The Wild enough to add a glider into Skyrim. As I suspected, Bethesda's RPG looks a million times more fun when you can sail through the air! Take a look at it in action below:

The 'Skyrim's Paraglider' mod is available to download from Nexusmods for Skyrim: Special Edition. According to the mod's creator, it took close to six months to get it to a working, playable state - but they managed it! Now you can beat the dragons at their own game, so get to it!

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: GAMING, Skyrim, Bethesda, The Legend of Zelda