It's safe to say that whoever at Epic Games decided that Fortnite's no-build mode needed to become a permanent thing has their finger on the pulse.
It was a bold move indeed, but last month Epic Games removed building - probably the one thing that makes Fortnite what it is - from the battle royale to tremendous success. The reaction from fans was hugely positive, and now it's here to stay!
Take a look at it in action below:
Even Herschel ‘Dr Disrespect’ Beahm, a longtime critic of Fortnite, has admitted that the Zero Build mode is actually pretty damn good. He does, however, believe it's being held back by just one thing: people playing the game with aim assist.
Aim assist has long been a controversial inclusion in Fortnite. Despite the fact that Epic Games has deliberately tweaked it over the years to make it less noticeable, the fact remains that if you strip away building and turn Fortnite into a straight-up shooter, aim assist is going to be more conspicuous than ever.
"I feel like the Fortnite no-build mode was built for me," Beahm wrote on Twitter. "Super athletic, high mobility, slide 360 sniper shots, shotty in your face etc etc. Just sucks aim assist controller junky kids are intermixed.
“At this point, you might as well just call it hacks,” he added. “It’s like a version of hacks. Except they’re not all headshots, but all the bullets do go onto your body.”
Beahm clearly isn't alone in feeling this way, but Epic is unlikely to do away with aim assist in the game anytime soon. Then again, there was a time when we never would've imagined a Zero Build mode, so I suppose anything is possible these days.
Topics: Epic Games, Fortnite