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Everyone Is Obsessed With This Weird Trombone Game

Everyone Is Obsessed With This Weird Trombone Game

Trombone Champ sees players unlock the mysteries of the Trombiverse and produce total musical chaos.

Sometimes, a game comes along and really makes you think - where has this been my whole life? This morning, as I sat scrolling through videos of Trombone Champ, I pondered this very thing. I wouldn’t say that I’ve ever particularly been a fan of trombones, or brass instruments in general for that matter, but looking at the trailer for this quirky indie, I became enchanted.

Take a look at the trailer for Trombone Champ right here.

Trombone Champ claims to be the world’s first trombone-based rhythm music game, and is also pretty unique in that players can freely toot out the notes whenever they want, and in any way they want. So, you’re not just tapping along to a song, but making the music yourself. The result, as you’d imagine, can be utterly chaotic - shoutout to PC Gamer for making my day with their clips.

There are over 20 songs to play, but the game is also full of lore, apparently. The official synopsis on Steam teases that players can “uncover the mysteries of the Trombiverse”, which both fascinates and terrifies me. You can also collect “Tromboner Cards” (yes, they’re actually called that), which can unlock new trombone colours and more. 

Currently, the game has a 96% “Very Positive” rating on Steam, so it’s fair to say that it’s been a hit. One reads: “Move aside Elden Ring... GOTY right here.”

Featured Image Credit: Holy Wow

Topics: PC, Indie Games, Steam