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'Elden Ring' Publisher Wants To Collab With Another Fantasy Author On New Game

'Elden Ring' Publisher Wants To Collab With Another Fantasy Author On New Game

What's in the box? A very special message, actually...

Brandon Sanderson, author of the fantasy fiction series Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive, has claimed that Elden Ring’s publishers Bandai Namco have approached him about working together on a new video game.

As VGC reports, Sanderson spoke on a YouTube live stream about receiving an Elden Ring package from Bandai Namco - which publishes FromSoftware's latest title outside of Japan, as it has the Dark Souls series before it. The unboxing of a very fancy-looking special edition begins at the 12-minute mark of the stream. It’s long and it’s narrow, and the chat is asking if it’s a sword, or a harpoon. And then Sanderson pauses to comment on, “a nice little note”.

“They are interested in perhaps doing something together, is what that says,” Sanderson continues, around the 15.50 mark. “Which I am as well, actually. This is how I roll. I actually have a pitch for them in the back of my head, if I ever had a chance. So I may have to send them my pitch and see what they think. I always have a pitch for everything, that’s the thing.”

Sanderson - who also worked on finishing Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series - explains that he’s previously thought about what his take on a Magic: The Gathering story might be, and that he’s spent four years working on that idea, on the side of other projects of course. “So when Magic contact me and say, ‘Hey, wanna write a story?’ Yes, I already have one. And I will write it. And I did!” And then, regarding a Soulsbourne idea: “Maybe you guys will hear something from me. I have some ideas. But that was really nice, I appreciate that.” 

We already know that Sanderson is keen on working on a video game based on The Wheel of Time - he said as much himself, just the other month. Could this tease be that game? We’ll have to wait and see - but Bandai Namco’s fantasy experience, with not only Soulsbourne games but also the Witcher series, sure puts them front and centre as a likely candidate for publishing duties on such a title.

Check out how to beat Elden Ring’s toughest boss in the video below…

Inside the long-ass box was, indeed, a sword, and some other Elden Ring-y things - including a wood-cut art piece and a cloak... or maybe it's a cape. “A jawn,” suggests someone in the chat, leading me to Google what a jawn is - and now I wish I hadn’t bothered, three seconds of my life I won’t get back, right there. But hey, Philly folk, enjoy your slang.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe

Topics: Elden Ring, Bandai Namco