We're all human, and we all make mistakes. But some of those mistakes are much bigger whoopsies than others.
It's rare that any of us would even get the chance to make an error as big as this one, made in a branch of Bank Of America. Movie director Ryan Coogler - who is currently working on a sequel to his hugely successful Black Panther for Marvel - needed to make a large withdrawal from his account. So large, in fact, that he wanted to make sure it was done discreetly.
But nothing says discretion quite like a bunch of cops storming a bank to arrest a well-known Hollywood director. Coogler's detainment occurred after the bank teller in charge of his transaction reported him on suspicion of being a bank robber.
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Coogler was wearing a light green hoodie, black hat, sunglasses, and standard Covid mask when he stepped up to the counter to make his transaction. While speaking to the teller he handed over a withdrawal slip with a note written on it which reportedly said, “I would like to withdraw $12,000 cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I’d like to be discreet.” The teller then notified their supervisor of the situation, who in turn made contact with the local authorities.
The police first handcuffed and detained two of the director's colleagues, who were waiting outside for Coogler in a car. They then moved into the branch and arrested Coogler himself, escorting him from the premises. His identity was later verified, and everyone involved shortly released.
In a statement to Variety, a spokesperson for Bank Of America said: “We deeply regret that this incident occurred. It never should have happened and we have apologised to Mr. Coogler.” In his own statement, Coogler wrote: “This situation should never have happened. However, Bank of America worked with me and addressed it to my satisfaction and we have moved on.”
So if you're having a bad day at work right now, just remember that at least you didn't accuse a famous Hollywood director of trying to rob you.
Topics: Marvel, TV And Film