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Assassin's Creed publisher drops free download you have until 6 June to claim

Assassin's Creed publisher drops free download you have until 6 June to claim

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Ubisoft, the publisher behind such hit franchises as Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and Red Steel has dropped a substantial free download that you have until 6 June to check out.

If you're looking for something new to sink your teeth into over the next way, Ubisoft has decided to release a limited-time free trial for Skull And Bones. Okay, so it's not quite Assassin's Creed levels of exciting, but it's something.

The free week is available starting right now, and you'll be able to carry any progress over and get the full game for 50 percent off. Ubisoft really needs more people to play this game, is my main take-away from this.

"From 30 May till 6 June, battle your way through treacherous waters, as you rise to become the most infamous pirate captain!" a post on Ubisoft's website reads.

"During this Free Week, you are free to play any content you want, whether it is to progress through the main storyline or tackle challenging content with your friends.

"Every achievement, every treasure, and every ship upgrade you unlock during the free week will be waiting for you when you decide to become a full-fledged pirate captain. So, what are you waiting for?"

The free trial for Skull And Bones is available across all platforms, so be sure to dive in if you're curious.

As a reminder, Skull And Bones finally launched in February this year to muted reaction from gamers and critics alike.

At launch it was reported the game struggled to get over 1 million players, with sources indicating it peaked somewhere around 850,000. Between this and the fact Ubisoft has this current deal, I would assume the player numbers have not picked up since February.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft, Free Games