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Assassin's Creed meets Elden Ring in brutal new open-world RPG

Assassin's Creed meets Elden Ring in brutal new open-world RPG

It's time to get our ass handed to us again

Fans of pain and suffering (also known as Soulslike games) should keep an eye on this upcoming action-adventure game by PaperGames and 17ZHE Studio.

Combining the fluid motions of Assassin’s Creed with the challenging combat of Elden Ring, Project: The Perceiver, or just The Perceiver, is an upcoming action-adventure title which is reminiscent of a few much-loved titles.

Check out the trailer for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree below!

With nods to Sekiro and others in the genre, this brutal third-person RPG is more specifically, a “multiplatform Chinese open-world action game that explores clashing beliefs in a fantasy world”.

“In a quagmire of endless war, conviction is your only way out. Observe every facet of the world and witness a kaleidoscope of ideals”, the official website reads.

With the project still in development, not too much is known about The Perceiver but we do know that the main character appears to be an artist and noble living in Tang.

However, when Tang is invaded and our main character is assassinated, he uses his dying breath to express sadness over not being able to finish his play.

Miraculously, he discovers a magic mask which not only saves his life but also grants him supernatural powers and he sets off on a journey to liberate Tang and enact revenge upon his killers.

Other than that, we have received a 20-minute demo video as well as the standard announcement trailer and both reveal that The Perceiver is set to go head-to-head with games like Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh and other similar titles.

As a result, plenty of players are excited to see it finally released. However, with no release date in sight despite an initial promise of 2023, it may be a while until we get our hands on this exciting new action title.

Featured Image Credit: PaperGames/17ZHE Studio

Topics: Assassins Creed, Elden Ring, Dark Souls