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Assassin's Creed fans, you have one last chance to grab this free game

Assassin's Creed fans, you have one last chance to grab this free game

Take me back to dear old Blighty

Assassin's Creed fans everywhere, consider this a last-minute PSA: You have one last chance to grab one of the best games in the series for free before it's gone forever.

Okay, so it won't actually be gone forever, but this is your last chance to grab a great Assassin's Creed game for the low price of nothing. Frankly, you'd be a damn fool to turn down this free game.

If you're the sort that pays attention to the world of Assassin's Creed then you probably already know Ubisoft is giving away the criminally underrated Assassin's Creed Syndicate right now. But what you might not know is that today is your very last chance. In fact, you have until 1pm (local time wherever you are) to claim it. It may already be too late for you, in which case I can only apologise. But, you know, the game is also free on PlayStation Plus, so you could always grab it there.

If you're feeling inspired to pick it up, you can head here and follow the steps. Just be aware that this offer is PC only and, once again, expires quite soon.

I recently discovered Assassin's Creed Syndicate for the first time via PlayStation Plus, and I have to say I think it's absolutely fantastic. It has, for my money, one of the best open worlds we've ever seen in a Ubisoft game. It also has a great sense of humour, fun combat, and a brilliant (if a little short) story.

If this Victorian-era adventure also managed to pass you by the first time around, I'd urge you to seek it out as soon as you can and get stuck into its grimy, gritty open world. It really is an underrated gem of a game, and one you don't want to miss. Especially when it's free.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Assassins Creed, Free Games, PC