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Ancient sword unearthed in Germany that looks like it'll give us a sweet +10 attack buff

Ancient sword unearthed in Germany that looks like it'll give us a sweet +10 attack buff

An ancient sword has been unearthed in Germany that looks so sweet, it may or may not give us a +10 attack buff!

XP buffs are the key to making us all powerful and mighty. Though, it’s a shame that such XP buffs can’t crossover into real life, right?

More commonly associated with action adventure RPG games such as The Elder Scrolls series, The Witcher and Elden Ring, earning XP is the ingredient to making our in-game avatar increase in strength so that we can defeat our foes with ease. Well, that’s often the idea, but FromSoftware will tell you otherwise.

What’s more, we can earn additional XP by wearing certain gear and outfits, as well as being equipped with the correct form of weaponry. That being said, sometimes even the best gear and weapons can make us look like absolute tools, which is why gamers will embark on the most challenging quests to not only acquire loot to kick ass but also look good while doing it.

However, what if that loot wasn't exclusive to just video games? What if such loot actually existed in real life? If you’ve ever wondered about such a prospect, then you’re in luck my fellow RPG adventurer!

As reported by BBC News, an ancient “dazzling” bronze sword, believed to be over 3,000 years old and said to be “extraordinarily well preserved” and “almost still shines”, has been discovered by German archaeologists in the southern town of Nördlingen. Experts say that this bronze sword that may or may not grant you a +10 attack buff is from the late 14th Century BC.

The sword in question was discovered in a grave that also contained the bones of a man, woman and boy as well as other bronze items. It is believed that this sword was not only used for decoration purposes but may have actually seen battle.

In related news (kind of), Bethesda chief Todd Howard claims that The Elder Scrolls VI may be his last video game. Before that time arrives, we’ll be treated to another fantasy RPG, Avowed, which recently had its first gameplay trailer revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

Topics: Real Life

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