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Elden Ring fans, you need to have these 6 things prepped for the DLC

Elden Ring fans, you need to have these 6 things prepped for the DLC

What do you need to have ready before you jump into the DLC?

We’re getting ever closer to the release date of Elden Ring’s only DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. This is an event that millions of players have been eagerly awaiting since they cleared out The Lands Between. We know little about the DLC generally as Fromsoft’s intentions are constantly shrouded in mystery. What we do know is that we will follow Miquella into the land of shadow.

So, as we prepare to die, all over again, repeatedly, there are certain things you need to have ready before the DLC launches on 21 June. You need to be as prepared as you can possibly be if you stand any chance of revealing the mysteries of Elden Ring and the Shadow of the Erdtree. There are several things you need to know.

Decide your build

If you’ve decided to go into the DLC with a fresh character you’ll have a bit of work ahead of you but firstly, you must decide on your build. Which class will you choose for this new adventure? Do you walk the path of magic? Or would you rather face off against Messmer and his army with a sword and shield? Deciding this is paramount as you’re going to want to collect the right armour and weapons before starting the DLC. Decide, and don’t wander from your plan.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

If the DLC is as difficult as everyone believes it will be, you need a plan to follow.

If you already have a character ready, but fancy a change, you can respec your tarnished in-game, but there’s nothing wrong with using the character that completed your initial Elden Ring journey.

Clear the game up to Mohg

If you’ve already finished the main game you’ll have access to the DLC entry point. However, if you’re coming to the game fresh you will need to reach Miquella’s cocoon which is situated in Mohgwyn’s palace. Before you can even get close to the cocoon you’ll need to kill Mohg, Lord of Blood.


He is one of the main bosses of the game and it won’t be a simple task to dispatch him. Once he’s defeated, a path will be clear to Miquella’s cocoon which, we believer, will need to be touched in order to travel to the land of shadow.

Or, beat the game

You could, however, try to beat the game completely. While the Shadow of the Erdtree entry point is at the midway point of the game’s story, this is DLC intended to be played after completion. After all, those millions of fans have already beaten the game countless times and have been waiting ages for this to arrive.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Beating the game fully will give you access to so many weapons and abilities that you’ll need to clear through the land of shadow. Not only that, but it will give you lots of story beats and lore to follow, as we know that the DLC is due to focus on a moment from the history of The Lands Between and we don’t want you to be clueless as to what’s happening. Plus, it will help you greatly for the next two pointers.

Level 60 Vigor

The most important stat you need to focus on levelling is your vigor. This stat determines your health pool and how many hits you can take before dying. The higher this stat, the better. However, it soft-caps itself at level 60.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Taking vigor beyond that point makes no difference, so this is where you stop. You can buff your health a little further with items in the game, but of course, this isn’t ideal for all classes. Just ensure that you’re spending runes on vigor and you should be safe-ish.

Get your character to level 100

Of course, it’s not all about vigor, you need a character that’s good at what they do. You’ll need intelligence if you’re racking a magic build, and remember to boost up your dexterity if you need movement speed and damage scaling. Getting your character to level 100 is a huge help, you could even push it further and go for 150.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

The goal is to make yourself as strong as possible. There’s no point in having a huge health pool if you’re throwing pebbles at the bosses. Seek out some character builds and learn which stats to focus on, then get earning those runes.

Call your friends

Of course, Elden Ring does have a co-op function available for you to play some sections with friends. This is great when you’re struggling against a particularly difficult boss. You can help each other out, especially if you each play as different classes.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

For example, if you’re a melee class and you’re struggling against an enemy with range, you could bring in a magic user to hurl some spells around. While you’re also able to summon strangers and NPC helpers too, nothing beats smashing an enemy to pieces with your mates.

Featured Image Credit: Fromsoft

Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware