Uncharted has proven itself a smash-hit at the box office. Despite heaps of negative reviews and complaints from fans that the two leads were horrendously miscast, the PlayStation adaptation has found its audience.
The lesson here? If you put Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg together in a movie about treasure hunting, exotic locations, and big action set-pieces, people are going to go and see it regardless of if they've heard of the original games. Not knowing what the movie has adapted probably helps.
According to Variety, director Ruben Fleischer's take on Uncharted has performed above expectations at the box office. The movie took $44.1 million on its opening weekend in the US alone, and also found its way to the top of the UK charts.
Evidently, Spider-Man star Tom Holland is more than capable of drawing in a crowd even when he's not wearing the ol' red and blue pajamas.
As Variety notes, Uncharted cost $120 million to make, and Sony will of course be looking at how much more than that it gets back before it commits to strapping Holland down for yet another franchise. With $106 million taken worldwide already, I'd imagine that we'll probably be on for a sequel. Unless the movie really drops off the radar next week, that is... but I don't see that happening. If the bad reviews didn't dissuade cinemagoers, I don't think anything well. Like I said: Tom Holland + Mark Wahlberg = buckets of cash. Doesn't matter if the movie is any good or not.