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The Witcher fans stunned at next-gen remake of OG game

The Witcher fans stunned at next-gen remake of OG game

The 2007 RPG has never looked better

Following on from the release of CD Projekt Red’s official mod tools for The Witcher 3, it seems the community has been busy combining the best of the original game with its most-recent entry.

Last month saw us report about a brand-new mod that brought The Witcher’s iconic maps into The Witcher 3. Created by one modder over on Nexus Mods, this would mean that both new and old players could visit some iconic locations from the medieval RPG.

Check out the next-gen trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt below!

This, of course, was made possible by CD Projekt Red releasing its The Witcher 3 REDKIT mod tools as a way for the modding community to have extra support and assets going forward.

Since then, a wave of new mods has hit Nexus Mods with some adding brand-new missions, graphical enhancements and more.

However, one creator has gone one step further by releasing a Youtube video showing us The Witcher 3 using the aforementioned map mod.

As a result, we can see Geralt wander through some iconic The Witcher locations all whilst keeping the beautiful The Witcher 3 graphics (albeit with some enhancements from the creator).

With beyond-all-limits raytracing and Reshade presets, the game looks stunning and is an amazing way to revisit The Witcher without having to deal with 2007 graphics.

Following such an impressive feat, viewers were quick to show their appreciation.

One comment read: “Thanks to REDkit, The Witcher will remain immortal.”

Another said: “With new and upcoming AI audio tools and REDkit people could make all new expansions to the Witcher 3 and with skill and time one could not differentiate them from the base game quality!”

It remains to be seen what else the talented modding community will create for The Witcher 3 but it is safe to say that the iconic game will never die thanks to them.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: The Witcher 3, The Witcher, CD Projekt Red, Mods

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