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The Last Of Us viewers spot Abby in season finale

The Last Of Us viewers spot Abby in season finale

Eagle-eyed The Last of Us fans have spotted a character who looks a lot like Abby running away from Joel in the season one finale.

Spoiler warning: this article contains spoilers for the end of The Last of Us game, the season one finale and events in The Last of Us Part II. A lot of things, basically. Proceed with caution.

The Last of Us’ first season is officially over. Is it just me, or has it absolutely flown by?

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that the finale was very well received by fans. Despite initial concerns over the ninth episode’s runtime, at the time of writing, ‘Look for the Light’ has an impressive score of 9.4 on IMDb. Of course, the story is far from over yet - a TV adaptation of The Last of Us Part II is also in the works, and one very familiar character from the sequel has been spotted in the series one finale.

If you’re yet to play The Last of Us games for yourself, the Part I remake is coming to PC on 28 March - take a look at the trailer below.

Over on Reddit, user renanzokk has pointed out that one person who Joel attempts to shoot in the hospital appears to be a girl wearing her hair in a braid. Her appearance is basically totally silhouetted, so it’s impossible to know for sure, but all the evidence would suggest that this is Abby. Abby, of course, is the daughter of the Fireflies’ head surgeon Jerry, who Joel kills in order to save Ellie. This is what prompts Abby to kill Joel in Part II to get her revenge. We also know from the second game that she was right there in the hospital when everything kicked off, so it’d make perfect sense that she’s in the show, too.

Others agree that this must have been an intentional nod to the character: “Nice catch. Not crazy at all. She was there, she witnesses a maniac shooting up the place. We don’t see her face because she isn’t cast yet. They hold on the shot of Jerry, dead, intentionally as well,” GG_Snooz replied. “The fact that Joel raises his gun to shoot her, and that soldier fires, stopping him. That’s the only person in the sequence that Joel saw and DIDN’T kill (other than the nurses once he has Ellie). I could easily see them showing this in season two when they get to her flashbacks. Turning a corner for cover, looking back just in time to see Joel turning to go back further into the hospital,” added bookscoffeeandspace.

At the time of writing, it’s not been confirmed if this really was meant to be her, but there’s definitely at least one other reference to Abby in the finale. One of the nurses in the hospital was played by Laura Bailey, who portrayed Abby in Part II.

Sadly, it’s probably going to be a long time before Part II’s adaptation hits our screens, but if it’s anywhere near as good as season one has been, it’ll be worth the wait.

Featured Image Credit: HBO, Sony Interactive Entertainment

Topics: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Part 2, TV And Film

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