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The Elder Scrolls 6 announcement has left gamers reeling, and we can see why
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The Elder Scrolls 6 announcement has left gamers reeling, and we can see why

*Insert Titanic gif here*

The Elder Scrolls VI is still, quite likely, a few years away and Bethesda is staying quiet in the meantime.

It feels like an agonising wait for those eager to get back to the world of Tamriel, in the sequel to Skyrim, and start exploring again.

It's been so long since Skyrim debuted, we want more Elder Scrolls

Upon reading this Reddit thread, my body seems to be slowly crumbling to dust like an Avenger after Thanos’ snap.

The title of the post reads, “The Elder Scrolls 6 Announcement Is Now as Old as Skyrim Was When The Elder Scrolls 6 Was Announced.”

That’s a long time. The world has been through a lot since the heady days of that teaser trailer for the next instalment in The Elder Scrolls franchise.

“It's been almost 7 years since that teaser video? Wow, it really doesn't seem like it was that long ago…” TheVoidDragon reminds everyone.

In reply, seanbear notes, “The 5 years since Covid showed up all count as one year,” and that really does feel true.

So much has happened that a whole console generation could rise and pass before we even get to play The Elder Scrolls VI. Though I do hope I’m wrong on that.

Though another Redditor seems to have had a similar thought, “I remember reading a Reddit comment in 2013 predicting we might not get ES6 until 2020 and thought that sounded absolutely insane. Yet here we are, probably aren’t getting it until the PS6.”

Among all the shock that so much time has passed, the community is sure that we won’t see the game for some time.

“I don't think it's a probability, I can't see it coming out until at least 2028,” comments Fish-E on the subject.

I can see 2025 being the year we get a trailer, but I’d say we shouldn’t get our hopes up too high.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim, Bethesda