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'Star Wars Eclipse' Is Inspired By 'The Last Of Us', Says Leaker

'Star Wars Eclipse' Is Inspired By 'The Last Of Us', Says Leaker

According to the leaker, Star Wars Eclipse will be an open-world game featuring multiplayer, and is taking inspiration from The Last of Us.

During the Game Awards last December, I think we can all agree that aside from, y’know, the actual awards part, one of the highlights was undoubtably the reveal trailer for Star Wars Eclipse. It’s set to be an action-adventure, multiple-character branching narrative game, set in the High Republic era, and fans were, and are, incredibly excited.

The game is being developed by Quantic Dream - a French studio who are perhaps best known for their narrative adventures, including Beyond: Two Souls, Heavy Rain, and Detroit: Become Human. The studio has quite a damaged reputation within the games development sphere, which has left many people speculating whether or not Eclipse could be in for a bumpy ride between now and release. Now, according to one leaker, we might have a bit more insight into what to expect from the game when it releases sometime, probably in the very distant future.

ICMYI... check out the official reveal trailer for Star Wars Eclipse below.

As reported by VGC, Twitter user @accngt (whose account has since been deleted) has claimed that we can expect Eclipse to be an open-world game featuring multiplayer. Apparently, development on the game first began in early 2021, and the story itself is still being written, which would add up given that the official website states that it’s “now early in development”. 

Reportedly, Quantic Dream’s Montreal team is currently working on gameplay prototypes, which draw inspiration from The Last of Us, of all things. Huh. Meanwhile, the Paris team are working on “cinematics, story, level art”, as well as the game’s engine.

These claims actually do have some credibility beyond being just some person saying stuff on Twitter - the same user previously tweeted out a screenshot of the reveal trailer a week before it was officially revealed. Obviously, all leaks should be taken with a pinch of salt, but this one might require a little less salt than usual.

There’s currently no set release window, let alone a release date for the game - chances are it’s not going to be this year. We’ll just have to wait and see if any of this information gets officially confirmed in the meantime.

Featured Image Credit: Quantic Dream/Lucasfilm Games, Naughty Dog/Sony, Disney

Topics: Star Wars, The Last Of Us