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Simpsons Hit And Run remake project is 'almost done', looks beautiful

Simpsons Hit And Run remake project is 'almost done', looks beautiful

One dedicated fan is 'almost done' remaking The Simpsons: Hit & Run - and it looks beautiful.

Everybody has that one game that defined their childhood. The one that you’d rush home to play over and over again. Maybe you still have it in your collection without the appropriate console to actually play it on. You simply cannot bear to let it go … This is all getting a little bit autobiographical.

I’m very attached to The Simpsons: Hit & Run, okay? It’s an incredible game, although I’ll admit, I didn’t always play it as intended. Tiny Kate just enjoyed driving around and vibing from time to time. Like so many other players, I’m desperate to see the game get the remake treatment one day - and Hit & Run’s original developer is on board with the idea. There are no official plans just yet though. In the meantime, however, one dedicated fan has taken it upon themselves to remake the game on their own - and now that the project is almost finished, we can appreciate the stunning results.

Count down through some of our favourite PlayStation 2 games below.

The project is the work of YouTuber reubs who said that the full remake is ‘almost done’. The creator showcased the stunning 3D map - which looks great, by the way - but zoomed out to show that there are areas still requiring work. Essentially, reubs has recreated everything from the original Hit & Run game, but needs to figure out the ‘dead’ areas in between which are currently breaking the immersion.

The plan is to turn the map into one fully explorable island. Reubs plans to fill in all remaining areas of the map with terrain and vegetation, allowing players to stroll through every region of Springfield.

Reubs also recently worked on one of the most important aspects of the game. You can’t have The Simpsons: Hit & Run without the actual ‘Hit & Run’ bar. If you haven’t played the game, the more you crash into things, the more the police will be on your case. It didn’t take long to get the metre up and running. We can’t wait to see the final finished game, and will be keeping an eye on the creator’s ongoing progress.

Featured Image Credit: Vivendi Universal Games, reubs via YouTube

Topics: Retro Gaming

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